Turn your wedding into a real fiesta with Mexican-themed wedding decorations. Whether Mexico is part of your heritage or you're merely a fan of all things Mexican, transport yourself and your wedding guests to Mexico for your reception. Capture a south-of-the-border feeling with Mexican-inspired colors, flowers and symbols.
Yellow, red and green are the colors of the Mexican flag and can be repeated throughout your reception. Drape tables with yellow cloths topped with red or green table runners. Swag red, yellow and green fabric along the walls. Repeat these colors on everything from place cards to the wedding cake. Or vary the theme with turquoise, magenta and yellow. These bright, hot colors give the feel of tropical beaches and vibrant celebrations. You could also use vividly colored serapes or Mexican blankets instead of plain tablecloths or on top of tablecloths.
Use bright, tropical flowers such as bougainvillea or hibiscus. Or opt for simple yellow and white daisies or white lilies. Mix in cactus, especially blooming varieties with bright red and yellow blossoms. Use Mexican pottery jugs, terra cotta pots or even cowboy boots as vases. Place candles in terra cotta pots and surround with flowers or strings of chili peppers for an interesting and inexpensive centerpiece. Group Mexican pottery, maracas, or even spurs for a centerpiece that brings together several elements of Mexican culture. You could vary these arrangements for each table.
Decorate walls and tables with sombreros, maracas or painted Mexican pottery. Hang strings of red chilies. Look for the strips of papel picado, or Mexican cut paper. These brightly colored papers depict lacy images that flutter delicately from the ceiling or along walls. They're often sold in chains and are popular at many festive occasions in Mexico. Buy brightly colored pi�atas and suspend them from the ceiling. You can even fill the pi�atas with candy and invite guests to take turns trying to break open the pi�ata as part of the evening's entertainment.
Mexican wedding cookies are rich buttery cookies rolled in powdered sugar. They're easy to make, or you can buy them from a bakery. Pack these into favor boxes and wrap in red, green and yellow tissue paper and pile them in a basket for guests to take home at the end of the wedding. Or give tiny bottles of hot sauce or jars of jalepeno jelly.
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3、酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?酒店應徵妹妹的外在包裝和酒店上班之後的生活問題。 衣服、髮型、化妝、住宿與交通安排。
4、我梁小尊會不斷的觀察和了解女孩們對這間店的試應度和收入。 女孩們的上檯的情況,是否有賺到錢、是否習慣? 如有不習慣立即做處置。
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7、做為小姐的發言人。 因酒店小姐長時間待在店裡的關係,有些問題她也不便多發言。 而經紀人就可以站在她的立場幫他發言,這樣酒店兼差小姐又不會得罪店家的人,也不會委屈到!
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